Air Duct Cleaning Services

As a leading air duct cleaning company in Westchester County, our service can greatly improve the quality of your indoor air.
Dirt, dust, mold, pollen and animal dander are re-circulated through our air ducts every time we turn on our heat or air conditioner. Combine this with moisture and you have the ideal breeding ground for fungi, germs and household mold. Studies have confirmed that some diseases, including salmonella, strep, and legionnaires disease are spread by contaminated air ducts.
It is important to note at this time that if you choose to do air duct cleaning, the entire HVAC system needs to be cleaned, not just the air ducts. Westchester County air duct cleaning is just that: removing dirt and debris from the ductwork and air moving equipment.
Current cleaning standards recommended by the National Air Duct Cleaner's Association (ACR 2005) require that non-porous air conveyance system surfaces must be visibly clean and capable of cleanliness verification tests
With all of these potential difficulties, the importance of regular air duct cleaning in Westchester County should be quite evident. Regular cleaning of the ductwork will help make for a healthy home.
Nu-Air Uses The Collom Duct Cleaning System
A variety of methods have been used over the years to clean ductwork. For large ductwork, humans can crawl through “Mission impossible style” and clean the ducts by hand with rags and brushes.
For less accessible ducts, flue brushes, air whips, and skipper balls have been used. More recently, industrial robots have been employed. Each of these methods has significant drawbacks. Access to the interior of the ductwork requires cutting large holes, compromising the structural integrity of the duct.
Some systems cannot go around bends or up vertical risers and require additional points of access. Cleaning the corners of rectangular ducts can be a problem. Our Collom® System uses high-pressure air directed through a flexible hose to a special nozzle that moves through the duct, accessing even difficult to reach locations.
The nozzle is designed so that its head rotates near the duct walls. Emerging air jets not only propel the nozzle but act like an air knife to remove dirt, debris, and contaminants. Negative air pressure is maintained in the duct system during cleaning, and all the debris is blown into the main duct where it is removed by a large vacuum machine.